Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Find Us....New Locations for Updates

We are no longer keeping this blogspot updated since there is an event blog on our website.

For updates, please visit our website at or Facebook at or Twitter at

Thank you so much for your support and interest in Free to Talk Ministries! God bless you!

Thomas and Heather Harris

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Community Outreach - Providing a Vision for a Better Tomorrow

What you often don't see through the blog postings are the many opportunities we have to minister to others through FREE counseling services.

When a family or individual comes to us in need, meeting that physical need is one thing but we offer much more. There is a reason the person or family is in the condition they are in and we desire to not only help them with physical needs but also counsel with them so they do not find themselves in the same situation 6-12 months in the future.
As a Board Certified Biblical Counselor, Heather is able to offer guidance from a Biblical and practical point of view. Thomas also counsels from his experience, wisdom, and Biblical knowledge. These counseling sessions vary from 1-10 sessions based on the need. During the counseling session goals are set and hope given to desperate situations.
When you support Free to Talk Ministries, you are providing much more than just clothing, food, and basic needs for people. You are providing counseling services that assist those in need to build a vision. A vision of a better future for themselves and their families.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18